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Abraham S. Anderson, MD
Gynecology Associates


BS, Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
BS, Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
Howard University, Washington, DC (exact year TBC)

MD, Howard University College of Medicine,
Howard University, Washington, DC (1965)

Intern Physician, Freedmen's Hospital,
Howard University, Washington, DC (1965-1966)

Resident Physician, Freedmen's Hospital, Howard University,
and DC General Hospital, Washington, DC (1966-TBD)

License, Medicine and Surgery,
Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Maryland (197O)

Physician's and Surgeon's Certificate,
Board of Medical Examiners of the State of California (197O)

License, Physician and Surgeon,
Department of Registration and Education, State of Illinois (1971)

License, Medicine and Surgery,
Board of Medicine of the State of Virginia (1971)

Certification, American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (1974)


Physician, DC Department of Human Resources,
Washington, DC (1970-1971)

Physician, Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC,
Norfolk, Virginia (1971-2016)

Physician, Hillcrest Clinic,

Norfolk, Virginia (1973-1994)


Chief, Physician, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Norfolk Community Hospital, Norfolk Virginia (1971-TBC)

Chief, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center
(formerly "Chesapeake General Hospital"),
Chesapeake, Virginia (8O's; 9O's; 2OOO's, dates TBC)

Member, Parinatal Committee,
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center
(formerly "Chesapeake General Hospital"),
Chesapeake, Virginia (dates TBC)

Member, Medical Records & Insomatics Committee,
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center
(formerly "Chesapeake General Hospital"),
Chesapeake, Virginia (dates TBC)

Member, Medical Staff Quality Committee,
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center 
(formerly "Chesapeake General Hospital"),
Chesapeake, Virginia (dates TBC)

Medical Director, Hillcrest Clinic,

Norfolk, Virginia (1973-1994)

Member, Community Faculty,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (longstanding,
dates TBC)


/selected honors/awards
(partial list, TBC; including only those on office record)

Award of Appreciation
in Recognition of Faithful Services Rendered while serving as
Chief of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Chesapeake General Hospital,
The Chesapeake Hospital Authority, Chesapeake, Virginia (1987-1988)

Five-Year Recognition Award
awarded to Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC,
MOS, Inc., (1988)

Founders Day Commendation
for laying the Foundation for Gynecology Associates' growth and
increasing service to the women of Hampton Roads,
Gynecology Associates, Norfolk, Virginia (1991)

Award of Appreciation
for preserving for women the choice of abortion from 1973 to 199O and unselfishly making Hillcrest Clinic one of the safest in the US,
Hillcrest Clinic, Norfolk, Virginia (1991)

Student Commendation
for Outstanding Teaching, Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (1994)

Award of Appreciation
for Commitment and Service in Teaching
as OB/GYN Clerkship Preceptor, Center for Generalist Medicine,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (1995-1996)

Community Faculty Teaching Award

presented by Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (1998-1999

Certificate of Recognition
as an Active Teacher in Family Medicine,
American Academy of Family Physicians, Leawood, Kansas (1999)

Certificate of Recognition
as an Active Teacher in Family Medicine,
American Academy of Family Physicians, Leawood, Kansas (2OOO)

Community Faculty Teaching Award

presented by Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (2OO2-2OO3

Community Faculty Teaching Award

presented by Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (2OO5-2OO6

Community Faculty Teaching Award
presented by Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents,

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (2OO6-2OO7

Community Faculty Teaching Award
presented by Obstetrics & Gynecology Residents,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (2OO8-2OO9)

Certificate of Appreciation

presented to Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC,
in grateful appreciation of support for members of the Armed Services and their families as a TRICARE network provider,
Health Net Federal Services, Rancho Cordova, California (2OO8-2OO9)

MLK Leadership Award, "Servant-Leader"
selected by Exodus Faith Ministries, Chesapeake, Virginia,
Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Breakfast, Washington, DC (2OO9)

Sentara Hospitals Norfolk Medical Staff Scholarship Honoree
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia (2O11)

Environmental Leadership Award
awarded to Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC
for taking extra care to pharmaceutical waste to protect
our waterways, community and environment,
Stericycle, Lake Forest, Illinois (undated)

Certificate of Appreciation
in Recognition of 22 Years of Academic Contribution,
EVMS Community Faculty,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (date TBC)

Certificate of Appreciation 
in Recognition of 25 Years of Academic Contribution,
EVMS Community Faculty,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia (2018)

Norfolk Business Recognition
Obstetrician-Gynecologist Category,
City of Norfolk, Virginia (2018)

Patients' Choice Award
honoring doctors who provide excellent care,
as reflected in their near perfect patient ratings, Consumer Services, LLC,
Lyndhurst, New Jersey (2018)

Honoree, Dedication of Delivery Room
in honor of Abraham S. Anderson, MD
for his "outstanding service to families",
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center, Chesapeake, Virginia (date TBC)

/contributions of historical note

As a physician who long defended a woman's right to choose, including in America, although he was not an American citizen, 
Dr. Abraham St. Aubyn Anderson survived at least three targeted terrorist murder attempts on his life by domestic pro-life political activists, in addition to the other forms of violent harassment suffered by him, his (now ex) wife, and children, and served as an expert witness in several legal cases in which similar murder attempts had been made on the lives of other pro-choice physicians in the United States, some of whom sadly lost their lives, including the landmark case Planned Parenthood v. ACLA ((41 F.Supp. 2d 1130); for a brief explanation of the important issues involved in this case, please click here).

Dr. Anderson ultimately chose to stop performing abortions due to concern for the safety and security of himself and his family:

"It's absurd,"  said Anderson after ["not Wanted" posters targeting him were mailed by pro-life activists who believe that the murder of doctors providing abortions is "justifiable homicide"].  "Abortion is not my primary aim in life. I do perform them on people who need them because I consider myself a public servant.  I'm not an advocate of abortion to solve the world's problems, but I feel it's necessary in certain cases."

(See "Abortion Doctor Ends Practice:  Harassment efforts by fanatics cited," The Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Friday, July, 9, 1993, Section C2.) 


Longstanding Member,
American Medical Association (AMA), Chicago, Illinois

Longstanding Member,
Southern Medical Association (SMA), Birmingham, Alabama

Longstanding Member,
Norfolk Medical Society, Norfolk, Virginia

Longstanding Member,
International Association of Health Care Professionals (IAHCP),
New York, New York

Longstanding Member,
International Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (IAOBGYN), New York, New York

Longstanding Member,
Gynecology Assocates, LTD, PLLC,
Better Business Bureau of Greater Hampton Roads,

Norfolk, Virginia


Abraham S. Anderson, MD

Community Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia

Abraham S. Anderson, MD, served for [over 25 - TBC] years as a member of the Community Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Well-loved by his students, Residents in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and fellow Faculty members, his teaching and clinical instruction was recognized with awards and demonstrations of appreciation many times over.

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