Please mail any such requests,
along with a $1O.OO money order addressed to
Gynecology Associates (administrative fee), to:
Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC
PO Box 7281
Norfolk, Virginia 235O9-7281
/former patients
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For patients who have been treated by Gynecology Associates, LTD, PLLC, within the past six years, and who would like to obtain a copy of your medical records, please contact us in writing, "dated and signed by the person making the request", detailing a "reasonable description of the records sought."
"If someone is making a request on your behalf, he or she must provide evidence of the authority [as a designated third party] to receive the records (such as a Power of Attorney)."
In your correspondence, please be sure to state clearly (1) your name, current address, and current phone number, and (2) the name, current address and current phone number of the person or organization to whom you would like your records to be delivered, if other than yourself, given that a Power of Attorney for any designated third party has been provided by you.
(Virginia Health Information Management Association)
Regulations of the Virginia Board of Medicine (18VAC85-20-26) state that practitioners must maintain a patient record for a minimum of six years following the last patient encounter, with the following exceptions:
Records of a minor child, including immunizations, must be maintained until the child reaches the age of 18 or becomes emancipated, with a minimum time for record retention of six years from the last patient encounter regardless of the age of the child;
Records that have previously been transferred to another practitioner or health care provider or provided to the patient or his personal representative;
Records that are required by contractual obligation or Federal Law to be maintained for a longer period of time.
(Virginia Health Information Management Association)